There is no need to search far away for peace. Open the door of your own heart by being present with what is. —Ajahn Chah
As a mindfulness coach, I love helping older adults open the door to their happiness. I created BE HERE NOW as a way to offer you an easy-to-follow weekly plan of gentle mindfulness practices specifically selected to meet your unique needs, challenges, and interests. The key to cultivating mindfulness is learning practices that can become a regular part of your daily routine. In our weekly sessions, I’ll introduce each of the practices best suited to you. We’ll also check-in on your progress and adjust your routines as needed. Our sessions provide a safe space for sharing and navigating any obstacles you may face. Plus, I'll be offering plenty of guidance and encouragement along the way!
Step 1: Understanding What You Need
Before we get started, I want to know a little bit more about you. We’ll take a little time to find out what would help you the most:
Let’s talk! I want to hear about your daily life, how you’re feeling, what’s bringing you joy, and what might be challenging.
How’s your body feeling? Do you have aches and pains? Trouble sleeping? Do you feel stiff or tired a lot?
How’s your heart and mind? Are you feeling relaxed, or is stress always present? Do you feel lonely or overwhelmed? Have you lost a loved one?
What would you love to improve? Maybe you’d like to feel calmer, move with greater ease, sleep more soundly, quit smoking, or simply enjoy the little things in life more.
Step 2: A Personalized Daily Plan
Together we’ll design a daily plan uniquely tailored for you. The plan will have four segments, with mindfulness practices in each suited to your needs:
🌅 Mornings: Start Your Day with Ease
🌳 Daily Mindfulness Exercises
💜 Bringing More Joy to Your Day
🌙 Evenings: Rest and Recharge
You don’t have to do everything at once—just a little bit each day can make a big difference!
Step 3: Checking In and Adjusting
How’s it going? – Each week, I’ll check in to see what’s working and where you might need some help and encouragement.
Celebrate small wins – Even tiny changes make a big difference! The more you enjoy the process, the more benefits you’ll feel. Adjust your plan – We’ll tweak and revamp your plan as needed so that it continues to develop your mindfulness and help you meet your goals.
If you have any questions or want to learn more, let’s talk. You can schedule a free session here.