Mindfulness helps you go home to the present, and every time you go there, you recognize the happiness you’ve already been given. —Thích Nhất Hạnh
The sheer joy of being alive. It lights up our faces with such delight! Our capacity to enjoy life, however, often diminishes with age. Declining health, chronic pain, memory lapses, loss of loved ones—these can all cause overwhelming fear, anxiety, confusion, and heartache. It can feel like someone’s shut the door on our happiness and thrown away the key.
Here’s the good news—your happiness hasn’t gone anywhere, it’s still there, waiting for you to come home.
Mindfulness is the key. First, gentle mindfulness practices are used to strengthen attention skills. These skills allow you to move past stressful thoughts and feelings, and open the door to a remarkable place called presence. Being here gifts you with a variety of pleasing sensations—peace of mind, joy, even awe and wonder. It always leaves you feeling grateful to be alive.
Visit here often and a host of other benefits start coming your way, including:
✔ Reduced stress and anxiety
✔ Improved mood and emotional resilience
✔ Enhanced mental clarity, cognitive functioning, and pain management
✔ Lower blood pressure, improved sleep, and reduced inflammation, minimizing the risk of major health conditions
Read about recent research on the exceptional benefits associated with mindfulness.
Do you need help dealing with age-related challenges? Or maybe you simply want to learn how to savor the moment and live your life to the fullest as you grow older.
That’s why I created BE HERE NOW.
MINDFULNESS Open the Door to Your Happiness
There is no need to search far away for peace. Open the door of your own heart by being present with what is. —Ajahn Chah
Hi, my name is Paul Nelson and I’m a Master’s Level Mindfulness Coach. I created BE HERE NOW to help adults 50+ take a more proactive role in improving their health and resilience as they age, while cultivating a life filled with greater purpose, peace, and positivity.
BE HERE NOW is an easy-to-follow weekly plan of gentle mindfulness practices specifically selected to meet your unique needs, challenges, and interests. I invite you to learn more about making every day just as rich and meaningful as you can, maybe even adding a few more joyful years to your life.
If you have any questions or want to learn more, let’s talk. You can schedule a free session here.